Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Brain teaser

Friend of mine ask me a question: how to switch values of two variables (Integer type to be strict) but without using another one?

Use this spock spec as problem definition:
def "should switch variables (#a,#b) without additional variable"() {
new Switcher(a, b).switchVariables().toString() == result
a | b | result
1 | 2 | "a=2 b=1"
10 | 20 | "a=20 b=10"
-10 | -20 | "a=-20 b=-10"
20 | 10 | "a=10 b=20"
-20 | -10 | "a=-10 b=-20"
0 | 10 | "a=10 b=0"
10 | 0 | "a=0 b=10"
-10 | 0 | "a=0 b=-10"
0 | 0 | "a=0 b=0"
0 | -1 | "a=-1 b=0"
10 | 10 | "a=10 b=10"
Integer.MAX_VALUE | Integer.MAX_VALUE | "a=" + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " b=" + Integer.MAX_VALUE
Integer.MIN_VALUE | Integer.MAX_VALUE | "a=" + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " b=" + Integer.MIN_VALUE
Integer.MIN_VALUE | Integer.MIN_VALUE | "a=" + Integer.MIN_VALUE + " b=" + Integer.MIN_VALUE
1 | Integer.MAX_VALUE | "a=" + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " b=1"
Integer.MIN_VALUE | 1 | "a=1 b=" + Integer.MIN_VALUE
-1 | Integer.MIN_VALUE | "a=" + Integer.MIN_VALUE + " b=-1"
You can find working solution on https://github.com/piotrpietrzak/gatchaman/tree/swicher
Have fun!


  1. There is this handy XCHG assembly instruction for that ;-)

    1. On 6502 assembly you can do "almost" the same with x and y registers:
      setup lda #1
      sta $7e
      lda #2
      sta $7f

      switch ldx $7e
      ldy $7f
      stx $7f
      sty $7e
      Those ldx,ldy,stx,sty instrustions will take only 3 cycles (12 cycles overall) to complete and this ugly XCHG >15 but I can't find XCHG mem, mem and therefore you need to do XCHG reg,mem and load and store will cost you extra cycles.

      I found someting on paper you decided to cite:
      Temporary = Destination;
      Destination = Source;
      Source = Temporary;
      This is not the proper solution of this puzzle:)
